Virtues in Kenya

Thursday, July 20, 2023

On-line facilitator training in August 2023


Virtues Project International Association™

Announcement of on-line facilitator training

                     Virtues Facilitator training without travel and accommodation costs!

The Master Facilitators in Africa will offer a full, comprehensive Virtues Project Facilitator training on-line in August 2023

Who should participate?: anyone who has completed at least two training sessions in Virtues and who wishes to lead groups in their community. 

When will this be held? By zoom in August on 3 consecutive weeks from 7 pm to 9 pm plus homework requirements. Exact dates and times to be decided. 

What is the cost? $30 US Contact Geoffrey Ashiono for payment ( Plus airtime for sessions and group work

Why should I do this?  To help you to deepen your roots of understanding in the strategies and practices of VP and to receive tools for facilitating the practice of virtues in your homes, schools, workplaces and communities

Successful participants will receive a download of the updated Facilitators Manual, be listed on VPIA website and have authority to announce training sessions

Questions?  MF Patricia Crossley