Virtues in Kenya

Monday, November 21, 2011

Dedication of Virtues Centre, Kakamega

During the past year we received donations from the Virtues Facilitators mentorship in Victoria, Canada, and a shipment of materials from the Virtues Founders in memory of John Kavelin (co-founder) It has taken a while but last Saturday we dedicated our centre in Kakamega to the memory of John. We hosted a number of Virtues-trained people (and some who aren't yet) and had a few of our facilitators on hand. We set out a table of sample materials.

Friday, November 11, 2011

New seminar

Tomorrow, November 12, we will offer a one-day seminar on the Pace of Grace-- Advanced Virtues for a Sustainable Life. We all need calm and order in our busy lives. This will be a chance to plan and reflect